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We offer the freedom and structure to evolve your skillsets, mindsets, and career.<br><a style='color:#0069c2;' href='https://www.ericsson.com/en/careers/working-here/career-development-and-learning' target='_blank'>Find out more here</a></br> "}, {"title": "Reward and recognition", "description": "We recognise that you should be paid in a fair way and be rewarded for the impact you create. We always aspire to recognize your impact<br> on our business success.</br><a style='color:#0069c2;' href='https://www.ericsson.com/en/careers/working-here/employee-benefits' target='_blank'>Find out more here</a>"}], "custom_head_scripts": {"HOME_PAGE_LOAD": "<script type=\"d22ca3abb0a5750ca28aa480-text/javascript\"> (function (w, d, s, l, i) { w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({ 'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j = d.createElement(s), dl = l !== 'dataLayer' ? 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563121762141969, "name": "Software Developer", "location": "Saint-Laurent,Quebec,Canada", "locations": ["Saint-Laurent,Quebec,Canada", "Montreal,Quebec,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "76 Product Development", "business_unit": "BNEW GNP Product Development", "t_update": 1741725420, "t_create": 1732629772, "ats_job_id": "758347", "display_job_id": "758347", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "758347-en", "job_description": "Titre de l'emploi: D\u00e9veloppeur de logiciels (Niveau Interm\u00e9diaire) English version below Lieu : Montr\u00e9al, CA En tant qu'entreprise technologique mondiale qui a cr\u00e9\u00e9 le monde mobile, et avec plus de 54 000 brevets \u00e0 notre nom, nous avons fait notre affaire pour faire une marque. Lorsque vous rejoignez notre \u00e9quipe chez Ericsson, vous \u00eates habilit\u00e9 \u00e0 apprendre, \u00e0 diriger, \u00e0 donner le meilleur de vous-m\u00eame, fa\u00e7onnant ainsi l'avenir de la technologie. C'est un endroit o\u00f9 la diversit\u00e9 et l'inclusion sont adopt\u00e9es comme votre propre \u2018moi' unique, et c\u00e9l\u00e9br\u00e9es pour les comp\u00e9tences, le talent et la perspective que vous apportez \u00e0 l'\u00e9quipe. \u00cates-vous dedans? Viens, et sois l\u00e0 o\u00f9 \u00e7a commence. Une des strat\u00e9gies cl\u00e9s d'Ericsson \u00e0 l'avenir est de devenir une soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de plate-forme mondiale pour permettre et fournir des services de communication avanc\u00e9s au march\u00e9 des entreprises. Avec l'acquisition de Vonage en juillet 2022, ce n'est que le d\u00e9but. Ericsson a r\u00e9cemment lanc\u00e9 le programme Global Network Platform (GNP) avec l'ambition de cr\u00e9er une f\u00e9d\u00e9ration de fournisseurs de services de communication (CSP)et d'exposer et d'agr\u00e9ger des API de r\u00e9seau 5G avanc\u00e9es aux entreprises et aux communaut\u00e9s de d\u00e9veloppement via le march\u00e9 de Vonage. Am\u00e9liorant ainsi son offreCPaaS. Int\u00e9ress\u00e9 \u00e0 rejoindre une \u00e9quipe gagnante qui fera partie du d\u00e9veloppementde la prochaine g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de services de communication 5G avanc\u00e9s pour le segment Enterprise par le biais du programme GNP? Viens, et sois l\u00e0 o\u00f9 \u00e7a commence. L'\u00e9quipe GNP Engineering con\u00e7oit, d\u00e9veloppe, int\u00e8gre, teste, fournit et expose des API de r\u00e9seau5G avanc\u00e9es en utilisant les derni\u00e8res technologies natives du cloud. L'\u00e9quipe d'ing\u00e9nierie GNP est compos\u00e9e d'\u00e9quipes de d\u00e9veloppement de logiciels tr\u00e8s performantes qui travaillent avec des m\u00e9thodologies Agile /SAFede bout en bout. Nos valeurs sont bas\u00e9es sur l'organisation d'une collaborationouverte et d'une culture coop\u00e9rative par laquelle nous nous effor\u00e7ons de respecter nos engagements avec une forte volont\u00e9 de r\u00e9ussir. Nous cherchons \u00e0 acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer davantage nos capacit\u00e9s de d\u00e9veloppement et de livraison SW. Avez-vous l'ambition et la volont\u00e9 de faire partie d'une \u00e9quipede d\u00e9veloppement de logiciels tr\u00e8s performante qui dirigera le d\u00e9veloppement de services de communication 5G avanc\u00e9s? Viens, et sois l\u00e0 o\u00f9 \u00e7a commence. Notre opportunit\u00e9 passionnante ; Nous recherchons un d\u00e9veloppeur de logiciels (niveau interm\u00e9diaire) qui est \u00e0 l'aise de travailler dans un environnement dynamique de d\u00e9veloppement de produits et de technologies r\u00e9volutionnaires. Si vous avez le d\u00e9sir d'avoir un impact technologique et une contribution aux services de communication 5G avanc\u00e9s, alors l'\u00e9quipe d'ing\u00e9nierie GNP, c'est l'endroit o\u00f9 il faut \u00eatre! Nous sommes une unit\u00e9 de R&D, con\u00e7ue pour innover, d\u00e9velopper, livrer, s'adapter rapidement et changer le monde de la communication en d\u00e9veloppant un large \u00e9ventail d'API de communication 5G avanc\u00e9es dans le cadre d'un leader mondial du march\u00e9! Vous allez Concevoir et d\u00e9velopper des microservices backend \u00e0 d\u00e9ployer dans un cluster Kubernetes Assurer la qualit\u00e9, la testabilit\u00e9, l'\u00e9volutivit\u00e9, la r\u00e9silience, la maintenabilit\u00e9 et la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 de la mise en \u0153uvre des servicesd\u00e9velopp\u00e9s Travailler avec le Responsable de Produit (PO) dans l'analyse des besoins Travailler avec l'architecte logiciel sur l'analyse de la solution et de l'architecture Participer \u00e0 toutes les phases de d\u00e9veloppement : conception, mise en \u0153uvre, test, int\u00e9gration/publication de logiciels, d\u00e9ploiement, correction de bogues, maintenance et support. Appliquer la plupart des techniques, de l'architecture et des solutions \u2018open source' les plus r\u00e9centes Dans le cadre d'une \u00e9quipe de d\u00e9veloppement Agile, fournissez une fonctionnalit\u00e9 ou cas d'utilisation de bout en bout (E2E) E2E inclu : o Conception de caract\u00e9ristiques ou de cas d'utilisation selon l'histoire et l'architecture de l'utilisateur d\u00e9finies et sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9es. o D\u00e9veloppement de SW o Test unitaire automatis\u00e9 et test de fonctionnalit\u00e9 o Test E2E dans un environnement ded\u00e9veloppement o Fournir de la documentation \u00e0 Doc Editor o Automatisation de la proc\u00e9dure d'installation selon le cadre d'ing\u00e9nierie du GNP o Correction de bogues o Entretien des \u00e9quipes Environnement de d\u00e9veloppement o Sprint d\u00e9mos apr\u00e8s chaque sprint \u00e0 la gestion des produits, et r\u00e9tros o D\u00e9ploiement dans un environnement de laboratoire Pour r\u00e9ussir dans le r\u00f4le que vous devez avoir Baccalaur\u00e9at ou ma\u00eetrise (ou plus) en technologie de l'information, en informatique, ou dans un domaine quantitatif connexe ou une exp\u00e9rience \u00e9quivalente 3 \u00e0 7 ans d'exp\u00e9rience pratique r\u00e9cente dans la conception et le d\u00e9veloppement de micro-services bas\u00e9s sur Kubernetes D\u00e9sir de coder au moins 80% du temps Ma\u00eetrise de l'architecture de microservices, de la mise en \u0153uvre de services et du d\u00e9bogage d'applications distribu\u00e9es dans un environnement Linux Solide exp\u00e9rience et comp\u00e9tences en d\u00e9veloppement en Java (JDK 17+), et les langages bas\u00e9s sur Java, Spring Boot et familier avec JavaScript, y compris les tests unitaires Bonne connaissance des mod\u00e8les de conception orient\u00e9s Object. Capacit\u00e9 de d\u00e9montrer des connaissances approfondies dans des domaines d'expertise, des cadres aux d\u00e9tails de mise en \u0153uvre de bas niveau. Exp\u00e9rience de l'utilisation de Jira et du d\u00e9veloppement de logiciels Agile Excellentes comp\u00e9tences en communication \u00e9crite et orale en anglais \u00catre capable non seulement d'expliquer quelle technologie utiliser, mais aussi d'expliquer comment fonctionne la pile technologique donn\u00e9e Connaissances pratiques sur la conteneurisation, la virtualisation et l'orchestration de services (Container, Docker, Kubernetes et Service Mesh) Exp\u00e9rience pratique avec Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform. Exp\u00e9rience dans le d\u00e9veloppement et le d\u00e9ploiement d'applications dans Kubernetes ou tout autre orchestrateur de conteneurs compatible Kubernetes Exp\u00e9rience pratique avec Microsoft Azure Connaissance et exp\u00e9rience avec VPN, IPSec, SCTP, TLS, IPv4 et IPv6, et protocoles/technologies de routage. Vous pourriez aussi avoir ; Connaissance des r\u00e9seaux de t\u00e9l\u00e9communications (\u2018packet core' et radio - > 4G et 5G) : protocol/applications/interfaces Familiarit\u00e9 avec les logiciels libres \u2018open source', leurs principes et leurs licences Connaissance du d\u00e9veloppement pilot\u00e9 par les tests Certifications dans les technologies de cloud public Bonne exp\u00e9rience et comp\u00e9tences en d\u00e9veloppement en Python, GoLang Connaissance de Git, Maven, Gradle ELK, Analyse de donn\u00e9es, Surveillance Bonne connaissance et exp\u00e9rience des technologies de base de donn\u00e9es Protocole Internet et s\u00e9curit\u00e9 (SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, Certificats, API REST) Familier avec les normes 3GPP est un plus JOB Title: Software Developer (Mid-Level) Location: Montreal, CA As the global tech firm that created the mobile world, and with more than 54,000 patents to our name, we've made it our business to make a mark. When joining our team at Ericsson, you are empowered to learn, lead, perform at your best, thus shaping the future of technology. This is a place where diversity and inclusion is embraced as your own unique self, and celebrated for the skills, talent, and perspective you bring to the team. Are you in? Come, and be where it begins. One of Ericsson's key strategies going forward is to become a global platform company to further enable and provide advanced communication services to the Enterprise market. With the acquisition of Vonage in July 2022, this is just the beginning. Ericsson recently launched the Global Network Platform (GNP) Program with the ambition of creating a federation of Communication Service Providers (CSPs), and exposing and aggregating advanced 5G network APIs to Enterprises and to development communities through Vonage's marketplace. Thus enhancing its CPaaS offering. Interested in joining a winning team that will be part of developing the next generation of advanced 5G communication services to the Enterprise segment through the GNP program? Come, and be where it begins. The GNP Engineering team designs, develops, integrates, tests, delivers and exposes advanced 5G network APIs utilizing the latest cloud native technologies. The GNP engineering team is made up of high performing Software development teams who work with End-to-End Agile/SAFe methodologies. Our values are based on embracing an open collaborative and cooperative culture whereby we strive to meet and deliver on our commitments with a strong will to succeed. We are looking to further accelerate our SW development and delivery capabilities. Do you have the ambition and drive to be part of a high performing Software development team that will lead the development of advanced 5G communication services? Come, and be where it begins. Our Exciting Opportunity We are looking for a Mid-Level Software Developer who is comfortable working in a dynamic environment of ground-breaking product development and technologies. If you have a desire to make a technological impact and contribution to advanced 5G communication services, then the GNP Engineering team, this is the place to be! We are a R&D unit, designed to innovate, develop, deliver, adapt quickly, and change the communication world by developing a broad spectrum of advanced 5G communication APIs as part of a global market leader! You will ; Design and develop backend microservices to be deployed in Kubernetes clusters Ensure quality, testability, scalability, resiliency, maintainability, and security of the developed implementation and services Work with the Product Owner in requirement/user story analysis Work with the Software Architect on solution and architecture analysis Participate in all development phases: software design, implementation, test, integration/release, deployment, bug fixing, maintenance and support. Apply most up-to-date techniques, architecture, and open-source solutions As part of an agile development team, deliver a feature or use case End to End (E2E) E2E includes: o Feature or use case design according to defined and specified user story and architecture. o SW development o Automated Unit Test and Feature Test o E2E Test in development environment o Provide documentation to Doc Editor o Automation of the installation procedures according to the GNP Engineering framework o Bug fixing o Upkeep of teams Development environment o Sprint demos after each sprint to product management, and retros o Deployment into lab environment To be successful in the role you must have Bachelor's or master's degree (or higher) in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related quantitative field or equivalent experience 3 to 7 years of recent hands-on experience designing and developing micro-services based on Kubernetes Desire to code at least 80% of the time Proficiency in microservice architecture, service implementation and debugging in distributed applications in a Linux environment Solid development experience and skills in Java (JDK 17+), and Java-based languages, Spring Boot and familiar with JavaScript, including unit testing Good knowledge of Object-Oriented design patterns. Ability to show in-depth knowledge in areas of expertise, from frameworks to low-level implementation details. Experience using Jira and Agile software development Excellent written and oral English communication skills Being able to not only explain what technology to use, but also to explain how the given technology stack works Working knowledge on containerization, virtualization, and service orchestration (Container, Docker, Kubernetes and Service Mesh) Practical experience with Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform. Experience in developing and deploying applications in Kubernetes or any other Kubernetes-compatible container orchestrator Hands-on experience with Microsoft Azure Knowledge & experience with VPN, IPSec, SCTP, TLS, IPv4, and IPv6, and Routing Protocols/technologies. You might also have Knowledge of telecom networks (packet core and radio -> 4G and 5G): protocol/applications/interfaces Familiarity with Free Open-Source Software, its principles, and licenses Knowledge of Test-Driven development Certifications in public cloud technologies Good development experience and skills in Python, GoLang Knowledge of Git, Maven, Gradle ELK, Data analytics, Monitoring Good knowledge & experience of Database technologies Internet protocol and security (SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, Certificates, REST API) Familiar with 3GPP standards is a plus \u200bWhy join Ericsson? At Ericsson, you\u00b4ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what\u00b4s possible. To build solutions never seen before to some of the world's toughest problems. You\u00b4ll be challenged, but you won't be alone. You\u00b4ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next. What happens once you apply? Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like. \u200bEncouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we nurture it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team. Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more. If you need assistance or to request an accommodation due to a disability, please contact Ericsson at hr.direct.mana@ericsson.com DISCLAIMER: The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by employees in this position. They are not an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required for this position, and you may be required to perform additional job tasks as assigned. Primary country and city: Canada (CA) || Montreal Job details: Developer", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.ericsson.com/careers/job/563121762141969-software-developer-saint-laurent-quebec-canada?domain=ericsson.com", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Saint-Laurent,Quebec,Canada", "canonical_title": "Software Developer", "straight_line_distance": null}}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "563121762141969"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.9, "chatbot": true, "iframeImplementation": null, 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